2025/2026 Exhibition Submissions are now closed
We encourage you to check back in May 2025 for our next submission window
We welcome proposals each year for the Doris Crowston Gallery at the Arts Centre in Sechelt. We encourage proposals for exhibitions and artwork that will challenge visitors, provoke conversations and connect to pressing concerns of our time. While membership in the SCAC is not required in order to make a submission to the gallery, selected artists must become members if they are selected to exhibit.
What we are looking for:
We are looking for submissions from the greatest range of art mediums and forms. As we have limits for what we can display, we encourage you to visit the Arts Centre before submitting a proposal. We have a commitment to education and engagement, and present at least one workshop/talk/program with each exhibition. We encourage submitting artists to be willing to present an artist talk or demonstration, or have a suggestion for another program (performance, music, dance, etc) related to their exhibition.
Floor Plan
Please click HERE to view the floor plan, including a gallery walk through. We encourage you to consider the possibilities and constraints of our space before submitting, and to propose your exhibit with the space in mind, but if your exhibit is accepted, we do reserve the right to make the final decision about which gallery your work will be displayed in. Two concurrent exhibitions are often scheduled for each time slot.
What to include:
- Statement of Intent – Maximum 300 words. Describe the proposed exhibition. To show strength and cohesiveness of concept, please discuss your vision of the exhibition, including a description of the art and the number of pieces to be included.
- Artist Statement – Maximum 300 words. In relationship to your current work, describe your artistic concerns and your art making process. Please include a short biography
- Your CV/résumé, including exhibition record.
- 6-15 images, jpg/png/tiff, Suggested minimum: 300 dpi, sized to 8”x6”, 2400×1800 pixels. Please provide the highest quality image so that the program selection committee may have an accurate impression of your work. Label with your name, the name of the work, and the year the work was finished (e.g. smith_untitled-work_2023).
Ways to Submit Images:
- Flashdrive/USB drop to the SCAC
- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1565, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0
- Street Address: 5714 Medusa St., Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A3
- *If you want your flashdrive/USB back please include a self-addressed stamped package suitable for mailing or arrange for pickup. See postal & courier/delivery addresses above.
- A Dropbox link to your images. Please share with submissions@sunshinecoastartscouncil.com or set it to “Anyone with the link.”
- A Google Drive link to your images. Please change the share settings to “Anyone with the link.”
- If you don’t know how to change your sharing settings in Google Drive, you can find a tutorial here.
- Do not send original work. All submissions will be treated with care, but the Sunshine Coast Arts Council assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged submission materials.
- Incomplete submissions will not be presented to the selection committee. Ensure the entire form has been filled out before you submit.
What we offer:
If you are accepted, you will work with the Director/Curator to plan and install your exhibition and any accompanying programs. The SCAC also commits to the following:
- Paying an artist fee of $1200 for a full gallery show or $600 for a partial gallery show
- Marketing/communications and promotion
- Hosting an opening reception and an artist talk and/or at least one other public engagement program
- Professional exhibition installation support including all signage (wall texts, labels, etc.)
Things to consider:
- The program selection committee meets once a year. It is composed of curators, collectors and volunteer artists active in the arts community.
- Two concurrent exhibitions are often scheduled for each time slot in the calendar year. These are paired at the discretion of the committee and curator.
- Artists will be notified by email within eight weeks of the completion of the jury process. Please do not contact us within this timeframe to inquire whether or not your work has been selected.
- Accepted proposals will be kept on file for reference until after the scheduled exhibition.
- Artists accepted to exhibit are required to become members of the Sunshine Coast Arts Council.
June 30, 2024 by 4pm
Email Address:
Dropbox link to:
Mailing Address:
Sunshine Coast Arts Council, P.O. Box 1565, Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A0
Street Address:
5714 Medusa St., Sechelt, BC, V0N 3A3
Our call for 2025/2026 exhibition proposals is now closed! We encourage you to check back in May 2025 for our next submission window.
Deadline: June 30th, 2024 @ 4PM
We welcome proposals each year for the Doris Crowston Gallery at the Arts Centre in Sechelt. We encourage proposals for exhibitions and artwork that will challenge visitors, provoke conversations and connect to pressing concerns of our time.
Please submit via the online form (preferred) or the printable form, scanned.