Each year $300 is awarded to a community member on the Sunshine Coast who has made significant leadership contributions as a volunteer to arts and/or cultural events in our community.

Frances Wasserlein was a courageous, feminist activist advocating for women and LGBTQ2+ rights and change. She was passionate about building inclusive communities through many forms of art and culture. She was a member of the Sechelt Public Library Board and Executive Director of the Sunshine Coast Arts Council. This award was lovingly initiated by Frances’ Book Club to celebrate her inspirational life and diverse accomplishments.

Recipients are selected by an Advisory Committee made up of local arts and culture community members and SCAC Board members.


If you would like to support building this endowment, please follow the link below to donate and make sure to specify the Award you are supporting

Past Winners


Awarded to: Pat and Murray Drope


Awarded to: Jane Davidson


Awarded to: Paula O’Brien


Awarded to: Sheila Page



Awarded to: Linda Williams and presented by nominator, Cindy Riach