Fair Information:
What are the fair hours?
- The fair is open from 10AM – 4PM both Saturday August 17th and Sunday August 18th. All vendors are required to keep their booths open for the full duration of the fair.
How many vendors participate?
- We limit the fair to 60 artisan vendors, plus food and community booths.
How many people attend?
- Hackett Park Artisan Fair consistently attracts approximately 5,000 visitors through the gates over the weekend.
- Because of the long fair hours and crowds, we ask that vendors do not bring their pets to site, unless they are registered assistance dogs.
- No smoking is allowed in public parks in BC therefore not at this event.
Vendor Information:
- Applications Open: March 1st
- Priority Placement Deadline: March 28th
- Application Deadline: May 3rd
When will I know if I’ve been accepted?
- Vendors who applied during the Priority Placement period will be notified by April 19th
- All vendors will be notified by May 17th
How are booth spaces assigned?
- Booths are assigned on a first come, first serve basis, including requests for premium booth placement. We attempt to honour your top three requests and match your needs.
What are the criteria for vendor selections?
- Selections are based on craftsmanship and originality.
- We limit each category to 5-8 vendors to ensure a rich, diverse shopping experience for visitors within fair capacity.
- All work sold at the Hackett Park Artisan Fair must be hand-made by the applicant. There will be no manufactured or imported work for sale.
- We value the use of locally-sourced materials when possible.
What do I need to provide to participate in the fair?
- Your own 10’X10’ popup tent (that meets BC standards for fireproofing), table, chair(s), and all installation and display materials needed for your booth. If you require electricity you must bring extension cords and we suggest 50’ minimum length.
How do I help promote the Fair?
A social media promotion kit will be sent once vendors are confirmed.
Instagram: @sunshinecoastarts
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/sunshinecoastARTScouncil/
Is my booth fee refundable?
- Cancellations after selections have been confirmed up to and including June 1, 2024 will be charged a $50 cancellation fee. There will be no refund for cancellations after June 1, 2024. Memberships are non-refundable.
Respectful workplace policy
- All staff, vendors, volunteers, and patrons must adhere to our respectful workplace policy. Failure to do so will result in being asked to leave the Fair, or being banned from future Fairs.
BCFC Tents and Air-Supported Structures
- Tents and air-supported structures shall conform to the British Columbia Building Code.
BCBC Flame Resistance
1) Every tent and air-supported structure and all tarpaulins and decorative materials used in connection with these structures shall conform to CAN/ULC-S109, “Flame Tests of Flame-Resistant Fabrics and Films.”
Covers can be replaced separately from the tent frame.
Use Canadian suppliers only as the tent must meet the above specifications.
Contact Sechelt Fire Department if you have questions: chief@secheltfire.ca or 604-885-7017
Loading In and Loading Out
- Set-up occurs Friday, August 16th.
- SCAC will provide loading in and loading out times. All vendors must follow this schedule and the direction of SCAC staff. Failure to cooperate will result in being asked to leave the event, or being banned from future fairs.
Overnight Security
- SCAC provides overnight security at the fair site but cannot be held responsible for theft, damage, vandalism, or any other loss of merchandise due to factors outside our control.
Vendor Access times?
- The site will be open at 8:00 AM on Saturday and Sunday. No vehicles are permitted on site on those days but you may restock by carrying your wares or works from your vehicle, and re-parking away from the site in the designated vendor lots.
How are sales handled?
- All sales are handled by vendors using your own methods and devices. SCAC does not take a commission or process sales.
Is there WiFi on site?
- Not at this time. You must have a data plan in place if using electronic payment like Square with your cell phone or cell-enabled tablet.
Accommodations & Travel:
Break Room, Washrooms, Kitchen, Water
- The Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, located across the street from Hackett Park, is available to vendors and volunteers during festival hours. There are coffee makers and a hot water kettle. The refrigerator/freezer is standard size so we ask that people limit their use of the space to necessities. All users of the Arts Centre space during the Fair are asked to clean and tidy after themselves.
Where can I find accommodation?
- Sunshine Coast Tourism and other tourist or accommodation sites are your best way to secure a place to stay for the weekend. Please book early as summer is very busy!
Should I reserve my ferry spot?
- Absolutely, both arriving and departing ferries should be reserved at bcferries.com
Summer is a very busy time for travel to the Sunshine Coast!
Is parking provided?
- Yes, all vendors can access parking lots reserved for their use after loading in, and during the Fair on Saturday and Sunday. During the fair weekend vendors will not be allowed to park in the immediate area around Hackett Park, reserved for the public.