Get Involved in the Arts Centre Upgrade!

The Sunshine Coast Arts Council was founded in 1966 to raise the profile of local artists and artisans. In 1979, through the immense work and dedication of community members, the Arts Centre at the corner of Trail and Medusa became our home. Our unique log building was conceived and designed by volunteer Clarke Stebner. Fundraising and construction of the building, with its subsequent additions in the early 1990s, was completed by volunteers who were committed to a goal of creating a focal point for the Sunshine Coast arts community.

Now, after more than 40 years of exhibitions, lectures, performances, fairs and workshops for the Sunshine Coast community, the Arts Centre building is in need of upgrades and maintenance improvements to assure its continued role as a thriving centre for the arts.

As we launch the fundraising campaign for these upgrades, we invite you to support the project and keep a little history of the building for yourself. The first of the upgrade projects will be to replace the roof, which is made up of old growth shingles. These wonderful objects, although no longer useful on the roof, still have lots of creative life left in them, making them perfect upcycled materials for art projects.

Help support the updating of our Arts Centre to keep us thriving for years to come by purchasing* 1 (or more) shingles for just $5 each. Only 500 available.

*No donation receipt with purchase of shingles

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You can also make a donation to this once-in-a-generation project by clicking the button below and letting us know that your support is for the “Arts Centre Upgrade Project”.