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DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: Saturday November 9, 2024 at 4pm
BANNER EXHIBITION: November 15-December 14, 2024
The theme this year is “The Land Between Two Waters”. As always, submissions are made through teachers in elementary schools across the Sunshine Coast.
We hope all elementary students on the Coast will participate by submitting a design. Last year we received over 600 submissions! We very much appreciate your work as an educator in support of this project, and look forward to seeing this year’s designs.
Some things to keep in mind:
● Please find attached a specification sheet for paper and design size
● Encourage a creative approach to the theme!
● Please ensure that students use felt markers NOT crayons or pencil crayons to colour their designs in order to make colour matching possible.
● We recommend staying away from large expanses of brown or green (the banners using these colours get lost amongst the trees in Civic Square.)
● Ensure the following information is written on the back of each banner design:
o Student’s full name / school / division / teacher’s name
How the program works:
● Drop off your students’ submissions to the SCAC by Saturday, November 9th at 4pm. If you are unable to make this deadline, let us know and we will find a way to get them.
● The banner designs from all elementary schools will be shown alongside a special Sechelt Arts Festival exhibition relating to the Salish Sea. Twenty banner designs will be selected and hand-painted onto full-size banners by students and their families in the new year, and hung in the Civic Square (home of the recreation centre and library in Sechelt) in 2025/26.
Exhibition Visit:
Schools are warmly invited to visit the gallery to see their own work on display, celebrate the art of their peers, and engage with our Sechelt Arts Festival exhibit Nov. 15 – Dec. 14! If you are interested in bringing your class, contact us at info@sunshinecoastartscouncil.com to find out more about how to book an exhibition tour and hands-on art activity while here. Additionally, we have funding to reimburse up to one school bus rental per school to support access for students and educators. Up to two classes are welcome at a time! Funding is limited, and we will disperse this as requests come in.