January 12 – February 3, 2020
Opening Reception: January 12, 2020 2-4pm

Artwork Drop-off: Sunday, January 5, 2020, between 2-4pm
Download 2019 FOG Submission Form

This exhibition launches the new year, and features the work of members of the Sunshine Coast Arts Council.

Any member of the SCAC is welcome to include one work (maximum 24” x 36”), any medium, including three-dimensional work, produced in 2019 to the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre on Sunday January 5, 2020 between 2-4pm. If your membership hasn’t been renewed in the last year, you’ll be asked to bring it up to date when you come to drop off your single piece of work for the exhibition. New members always welcome. Work must be exhibition ready to hang: i.e. wired (please no sawtooth mechanisms). “Clip” or similarly styled frames are not acceptable.

FOG Reception Photos by Paul Clancy