Sundays, 10AM – 12PM

February 4, March 3, April 7

IN-PERSON Art Talks: Colonial Symptoms + Decolonizing Practices

with Sadira Rodrigues

In-person at the Arts Centre | Pre-registration required | Max. 10 participants | Suggested donation: $30-$50 (for all three sessions)


Art Talks is a series of discussions that centre on issues and ideas connected to contemporary art in the 21st century. Drawing connections to themes found in Coast-based art practices, they are an opportunity to learn, share and discuss wide ranging topics that intersect with making art at this moment in time. Threading theory, practice and politics, these discussions will provide a chance to delve into ideas, unpack understandings, and challenge assumptions.

Colonial Symptoms + Decolonizing Practices

Museums and galleries have played an important role in how cultures and peoples from across the globe have been framed and represented in Western society. Many of the stereotypes that we retain today about other cultures have found their roots in the art and exhibitions of museums and their colonial histories. This three-part discussion will introduce how museums and galleries, and their exhibitions and collections practices are part of the complex framing of other cultures.

Session One will begin with language and terms that we use.

Session Two will look at how art and museums were coincidental and connected to the colonial project.

Session Three will introduce decolonial ways of thinking, considering the work of contemporary artists and exhibitions.

Sundays, 10AM – 12PM (February 4, March 3, April 7)

  • In-Person at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, 5714 Medusa St. Sechelt
  • Max. 10 participants
  • Suggested donation: $30-$50 (for all three sessions)