April 21 – May 13, 2023

Mia Weinberg, Dzee Louise, Shary Bartlett
Reaching Further, Growing Closer

Artist Talk + Reception: Friday April 21st at 5PM

Reaching Further, Growing Closer is a show by three artists that explores natural forces, and the patterns they leave behind. Drawing on microscopic and macroscopic forms found in nature, the artists use abstraction to create imagery more suggestive than definitive. The patterns that emerge are equally evocative of roots, river deltas, water ripples, geological formations, dendrites, frost formation, coral growth and microbes.

As with nature, the artists’ creative processes, too, reflect and illuminate the cycle of growth and change. Each artist approaches their work by responding to the materials and the natural forces of the artistic practise like a conversation: balancing intention with surprise, choice making, and chance. Using tension, repulsion, pressure, lifting, shifting, heat and flow, the artists’ work intuitively, allowing each composition to unfold naturally, working in cooperation with their materials.

The parallels observable in Reaching Further, Growing Closer emphasize the interconnection inherent in nature and creativity, inviting the viewer to reflect on the process of growth and change, providing a form of imaginative meditation for navigating a world that is constantly evolving.

Representing a wide range of art media and forms, Shary’s nature-inspired work is created using the natural materials of beeswax, resin and heat. Mia’s intimate abstract paintings transform when printed digitally on a grand scale. Dzee uses branching patterns in her acrylic paintings, dissolving boundaries between the body and the environment.