July 2 – August 15, 2021  

Pippa Lattey 

Between a Lamp, a Log and a Bucket  

Pippa Lattey’s sculptures play with perception, movement, gesture, pattern and reflection. They can move, and make sound. She is interested in how humans use models of the world in order to understand it and to work within it: through science, philosophy and art. She works with technology but her thinking does not remain analytical. It moves away from the specific towards the abstract, away from the impartial towards the subjective, and away from the serious towards the playful.  

She experiments with the familiar objects that we live with every day. By assembling and animating these objects in unexpected ways, she brings about new situations and interactions, between disconnected materials and ideas, and between the viewer and the work. Her materials and found objects are tangible, and at the same time they are also symbolic and idealized. For example, a lamp is a personal source of light, but can also be imagined to represent the sun at the center of a solar system.  

Pippa completed her BFA at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in 2016, and lives in Vancouver. She was Artist in Residence at the Blue Cabin Floating Artist Residency in February and March 2021, when she returned Al Neil’s piano to the Blue Cabin. The piano rotated according to local tide and weather data, making sounds and music inside the historic cabin, floating on a barge on False Creek. Other recent projects include a street-facing installation String Together at Burrard Arts Foundation (2021)an exhibition Into Orbit at PAVED Arts in Saskatoon (2020), and a public art commission, Gestures of Birds, installed in a New Westminster shopping center (2018).