Exhibit Dates: July 25–August 19, 2018
Trash: Things discarded, worn, broken, used up. How casually we make and then throw out these things that are no longer valuable or functional. What if we transformed this junk, this waste… what if we found a new purpose for these purposeless things?
Art can stimulate, aggravate, shock, intrigue, beautify, clarify. What can you find that is thrown away and repurpose into something artful that evokes an emotion within us?
Artists were presented with a challenge and an opportunity: step outside of their normal artistic parameters, create in a new way, using materials scavenged and found.
Participating Artists
Alanna Wood
I am a multi-media artist and re-purposing found material is a part of my art practice. It gives my imagination a jolt and grants viewers of my work a new perspective . . .
Amber Webster
In the classic movie “The Little Mermaid”, Ariel lives in a whole other world under the sea. She loves collecting treasures from up above. Within her collection of human-made “thingamabobs” . . .
Bette Chadwick
Trashformation has been very inspirational for me. I knew I wanted to be part of the exhibition, as garbage is a problem we can control if we care enough . . .
Bill Thomson
As an artist who works with found and recycled materials I utilize simple fabrication techniques and processes to transform common manufactured goods into up-cycled products or forms that offer alternative meanings . . .
Bill Wilkinson & Anne Crook
These two artists came across pieces of corroded metal at different times and in different places and decided to assemble them into one piece of art . . .
Christel Evers
Transformation inspired me to submit my found trash. As I walked along the beach the objects came into my sight and I left a cleaner beach . . .
Derek von Essen
I recycle and re-contextualize discarded objects to create and overcome compositional challenges of combining common materials. Much like building a puzzle, I get the same thrill from using salvaged items when they form a connection to each other . . .
Dominic Main
The forest is an inspiration. Regenerating itself – dead trees feeding the next generation of growth; the burnt offering of a forest fire clearing the way for new plants and trees . . .
Ellen Heale
Shattered is a reflection on the 'broken' aspects associated with everyday 'trash', over packaging, waste and the need to consciously mend our ways . . .
Evelyn Sloboda
I like to collect odd things that might end up in the garbage, always looking for opportunities to inspire or enhance a painting.
Francine Desjardins
This piece of trash-found-art, destined for the landfill, was discovered while dismantling and separating sections of some old kitchen cabinets that had been glued together with a caulking gun and contact cement . . .
Janice McFegan
Working with beautiful papers is always an inspiration for me and brings me great joy . . .
Jone Pane
I made this fish picture from the plastic lids from my recycled bottles. They can’t be recycled here, but elsewhere they can be made into planks or bricks to build things with . . .
Kasia Krolikowska
Without a formal art education I started my creative adventure out of curiosity of how I could translate on canvas my own state of mind, my perception of colours and shapes . . .
Larry Popowich
This piece seems to work like an electrical armature: it collects and holds magnetically any object merely suggested to it . . .
Leonard Brett
The concepts of these works began in a junkyard looking for scraps of copper. I found two copper plates that were memorials from the British army . . .
Linda Buckingham
"With a Little Help From My Friends" is a "feel good" piece about neighbours supporting one another during tough times . . .
Michael Maser
‘Trash’ is a misnomer, cultivated by a human sensibility that fails to recognize the physical and psychic usefulness of ’things' we callously dismiss and discard . . .
Monica Gewurz
I used recycled man-made materials such as plastic, fabric, cardboard and acrylic paints and medium, complementing it with natural crushed turquoise, copper paint and a layer of copper patina . . .
Phillip Jagger
We turn phrases of language and economics into something. A conversation at dinner. Performance high above fado street . . .
Sheila Page
On the mine road in Sechelt I found some trash which I added to a piece of crushed metal. This collection had a powerful but upsetting feeling . . .
Shelimar Lakowski
A collage of found object trash art called "Street Metal" mixed media art projects. All the base frames, images and metals are used as they were found . . .
Tam Harrington
The intent is to highlight the excess plastic trash floating in our oceans using a fashionista approach to recycling . . .
Teressa Bernard
This piece was inspired by some of the little bits and pieces I’ve picked up along my walks throughout the years. I always thought they’d be made into something at some point . . .
Virginia Harris
My love of the beach began where I spent my summers growing up in a tiny rustic cabin on the beach that my father built from salvaged wood off the beach . . .
Yeonmi Kim
My current work’s theme name is sewstainability, in consideration and inspired by sustainable practice . . .